Grade 4 G.P (2020)

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25th January 2021                                GRADE 4                                            GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE

                                                                Environmental education

Taking care if our environment is very important. One of the most important things is not to litter or throw waste materials around as this is very harmful to us.

Instead of disposing materials we can Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

ReduceDecreasing the amount of consumption.

Make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.

ReuseRefers to using items more than once. The item can be used for its original purpose or for something else.

RecycleRecycle means putting a product to a new useinstead of throwing it away.

Recycling is important to preserve the environment and to leave the planet in a better condition than we found it.

Benefits of Reducing and Reusing

  • Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials
  • Saves energy
  • Helps sustain the environment for future generations
  • Saves money
  • Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators
  • Allows products to be used to their fullest extent

Ideas on How to Reduce and Reuse

  • Buy used. You can find everything from clothes to building materials at specialized reuse centers and consignment shops. Often, used items are less expensive and just as good as new.
  • Look for products that use less packaging. When manufacturers make their products with less packaging, they use less raw material. This reduces waste and costs.
  • Buy reusable over disposable items. Look for items that can be reused; For example, you can bring your own silverware and cup to work, rather than using disposable items.
  • Maintain and repair products, like clothing, tires and appliances, so that they won’t have to be thrown out and replaced as frequently.
  • Borrow, rent or share items that are used infrequently, like party decorations, tools or furniture.
  • Donation-One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Instead of discarding unwanted appliances, tools or clothes, try selling or donating them. Not only will you be reducing waste, you’ll be helping others.

Tips for Reducing and reusing Food Waste at Home

  1. Plan for shopping in advance by making a list of what you need: Check the refrigerator, freezer and cupboards to avoid buying what you already have and only buy items when you have a plan for using them.
  2. Organize the cupboards and refrigerator: Put the new items in the back and older items in front so that you can use the older products first.
  3. Keep record of what you throw away: Throwing out 1 L of milk each week? Why don’t you start buying less? Tossing half a loaf of bread? Why don’t you keep only what you use in a week and freeze the rest?
  4. Use your freezer: Lots of leftovers after a big party? Freeze them! Don’t let the food stay in your fridge until it goes bad. Freeze leftovers in small portions. They will be great for busy nights when you don’t have time to cook.
  5. Try to use everything: Keep vegetable and meat scraps for broths or soups. If you cannot use them right away, learn how to can and pickle.
  • Best before date is not the same as expiry date: Know the difference between expiry date and best before date. Best before dates have nothing to do with food safety, only food quality. Even expiration dates are not always about food safety. They are usually manufacturers’ suggestions for peak quality. If stored properly, most foods (even meat) stay fresh several days past these dates.  If it looks, smells, and tastes okay, it should be fine.
  • Don’t forget foodbanks: You bought more than what you needed? Don’t keep them until they expire. Why not donating those extra cans of tuna or beans to people who are hungry?

Reducing usage of electricity at home

  1. Turn off electronics that aren’t in use

Your television, computer and stereo can be enormous energy consumers when not in use. Make sure to turn them off if not in use.

  • Turn off lights

When not in the room switch of the lights and during the day. This should also be done when watching television.

  • Use energy saving bulbs
    • Avoid over heating

Make sure that you do not boil water that is to be used warm.

Do not heat the rooms that are not use used and monitor the air conditioner all the time.